SDG Goals

Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 3: Clean Water and Sanitation

An alarming figure that is projected to rise as temperatures do, water scarcity affects more than 40% of people. Since 1990, dwindling drinking water supplies are affecting every continent, although 2.1 billion people have improved water sanitation.

We are witnessing that more and more countries are suffering from water stress, and increasing drought and desertification is already worsening these trends. At least one in four people will suffer recurring water shortages, which is projected by 2050.

By 2030 requires investing in adequate infrastructure, providing sanitation facilities, and encouraging hygiene- that is safe and affordable drinking water for all.

Ensuring universally safe yet affordable drinking water involves the reach to over 800 million people who have a lack of basic services and improving accessibility and further safety of services for over two billion.

Facts and Figures:

  • 1 71% of the global population, 5.2 billion people, had safely-managed drinking water in 2015, but844 million people still lacked even basic drinking water.
  • 2 39% of the global population, 2.9 billion people, had safe sanitation in 2015, but 2.3 billion people still lacked basic sanitation. 892 million people practiced open defecation
  • 3 80% of waste water goes into waterways without adequate treatment.
  • 4 Water stress affects more than 2 billion people, with this figure projected to increase.
  • 5 80% of countries have laid the foundations for integrated water resources management.
  • 6 The world has lost 70% of its natural wetlands over the last century.

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