SDG Goals
About US

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint to accomplish a better and more sustainable future for all.
FairGaze, the largest school media, uses its ecosystem for facilitating the school community to implement SDGs. FairGaze, in association with partners like India Is Us, UN bodies, NGOs, Government bodies and Corporate houses will be engaging students and faculties in implementing SDG Goals in Schools. With over 60 NGOs focused on different causes along with knowledge partners, FairGaze SDG Program will be covering smooth implementation of 17 SDGs across the school community.
FairGaze SDG Program will enable schools to implement SDGs effectively while ensuring that the students benefit from the engagements to learn and experience SDG core objectives. Both the school and students will be learn effective ways to co-exists, protecting and conserving the natural resources. The program will deliver on the sustainability objectives of natural resources and ecosphere while assisting students to become a responsible citizen of the country.
Learning outcomes
To ensure a sustainable future, the ecosystem of our planet needs urgent damage control and conservation actions. School community, especially students, is not fully aware of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), its implementation and possible impact. FairGaze, in association with India Is Us and other partners, will engage the school community to facilitate awareness and assist in implementation of SDGs facilitating the new generation will learn about all the 17 SDGs.
Among the many outcomes of the program that the students will benefit from, some are listed below:
Natural disasters like Tsunami or cyclones are created by climate change.
Understanding of human development issues like inequality, economic growth, peace, and justice.
Experiential learning of curricular subjects like biology, geography, politics, economics, etc. from the sustainability perspective.
Develop empathy among students.
Nurture global citizenship.