September 24 4 min

World Mental Health Day 2024 Juggling Workload with Student

Sometimes, things do turn out rather quite co- incidental. Whereas this year, world mental health day 2024 theme is “It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace”. It is more focused on putting mental health first at work, but here we are thinking about our students.

Why? Because, the children we see today will be the adult working force of tomorrow we stand better chances to prepare them for an adequate future.

In other words, it can be stated that the phenomenon of complexity of the global processes is constantly growing.

Thus, our campaign, world mental health day 2024 is all about is trying to reduce the gap between what students require in the present and the reality in the future. In many ways it feels like we are building up a bank of mental health care for the whole of a person’s life.

Mental Health Day 2024 Offline Workshops

We are not just dumping the same stuff at everyone now.  We have specialised world mental health day 2024 campaigns:

For the young students (grades 6–8), we are keeping it simple:

  • Empathy
  • Anger Management
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • How to identify your emotions
  • How to handle bullying
  • How to seek help

For the older students (grades 9–12), we have:

  • Fostering inner strength & self- belief in children
  • How social media scrolling is causing peer pressure and making kids feel over burdened
  • Emotional stability-signs for that.
  • Storytelling to the brain
  • Expression of emotions

Reasons to Attend the World Mental Health Day 2024 Campaign

Here’s what you need to attend the world mental health day campaign-

1. Emotional Intelligence

We are discussing guiding children towards awareness of their emotions as well as others'. This campaign will help build emotional intelligence that is required to deal with life pressures.

2. Boot Camp on Resilience

We're teaching children how to strike curveballs thrown by life out of the park. The name of the game is adaptability.

3. Skills in Digital Detox

In a world perpetually "on," we are teaching children how to unplug and reenergise. People, work-life balance begins right now.

4. Massiveness Mindfulness

Imagine a generation who can remain cool under duress. Game-changer, right?

5. The Art of Advocacy

Children are being urged to ask for support and share their emotions. No more suffer-in-silence stupidity.

6. Team Player Development

Let's face it, nobody succeeds by herself. We're developing teamwork abilities fit for any kind of business.

We're not merely speculating as to whether this works. Our survey will help us determine whether we are meeting expectations and whether these youngsters are prepared for the wild world of employment.

The best part is that we are seeing the whole picture while we are concentrating on the students. We are ensuring our children are prepared for the changes occurring in businesses today. We seem to be time travellers getting ready for a day when mental health will not be a secondary concern.

Here's my call to action for all the parents, teachers, and big-wigs out there: let's link workplace wellness to student mental health. Today's mental health investments in our children are like purchasing stocks in a brighter future.


 While the world debates mental health in the workplace this World Mental Health Day 2024, we are busy producing a generation that will prioritise it without even considering it. That's what we refer to as a win-win now!