June 24 4 min

The Power of Youth in Sustainability Efforts

Young people must be empowered and engaged if we are to build a more sustainable world. Young folks have a special viewpoint, endless energy, and a strong desire to help create a better future. Engaging them in campaigns around the sustainable development goal campaigns allows us to use their inventiveness, enthusiasm, and inventiveness to effect meaningful change.

Raising Knowledge and Understanding

First and foremost, youth need to be made aware of the SDGs. Young brains can be greatly influenced by social media campaigns, workshops, and educational programmes in understanding the importance of the global objectives. We can motivate a next generation of changemakers who recognise the interdependence of problems like gender equality, climate change, and poverty by making the SDGs relevant and interesting.

Supporting Projects Run by Youth

Young people are active change agents as well as passive information consumers. Building a sustainable future needs promoting and funding youth-led projects. Youth-led sustainable development goal (SDG) campaigns may make a big difference on the local and international levels whether they are planning neighbourhood clean-ups, starting recycling campaigns, or pushing for legislative reforms. Two teens in Bali launched the Bye Bye Plastic Bags campaign, which has effectively banned the use of plastic bags on the island.

Applying Social Media and Technology

Youth of today are proficient online navigators and digital natives. These may amplify their voices and the reach of the SDG initiatives through use of social media and technology. To sum it all up, digital platforms empower youth with robust resources to solicit those who are willing to fight for the change and produce awareness and encouraging videos, petitions, and crowdfunding campaigns. Fridays for Future was initiated by Greta Thunberg’s school strike and shows how social media amplify youth voices and promote climate activism on an international level.

Promoting Cooperation Between Generations 

For most campaigns related to achieving the SDGs, the implication of the youths is more than just about empowering the upcoming generation but it involves integration of the two sets of generations. Thus, putting together youths with experience, professionals, teachers, and policymakers, one can establish a rich discourse of opinions, knowledge, and ideas. This way an integration of solutions and a more comprehensive view of the idea of sustainability and its development may be achieved. Such partnerships are facilitated by programs such as the UN Youth Envoy program that ensures that the voices of the youths are taken and incorporated into policy discussions.

Creating Leadership Possibility

Thus, it is imperative that sustainable development goal (SDG) campaigns cannot be sustained and effective if there is no young leadership. Providing youth with potential opportunities to take more leadership status, decide something, and bring out their different points of views/intentions may make them have more responsibility and ownership of the global goals. Local youth councils and specially – UN Youth Delegates’ programme makes it possible to Shape Change at the local and global levels.

Also Read: World Environment Day

Innovation of Together Creating a Sustainable Future

Not only is it wise for young people to participate in SDG projects; it is necessary because the future must be sustainable. Thus, giving youth a voice, coming out with ideas, and embracing young people energy can be a powerful machine. Together, social problems of today and a significant impact on generations of the future can be solved.

It’s time for youth to be listened to; the youth have to be appreciated and their actions should be supported on the way to a better world characterized by social justice and environmental responsibility.